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发布时间:2024-06-02 13:27



My favourite gift is the piano given by my mother.I like playing piano.When l am practicing playing my piano,my sister is singing.What a lovely voice.Thanks for my mother,who offers an interesting life to me.

My favorite present is a sweater. It is green. Green is my favorite color. My aunt bought me the sweater at my age of 12. What's your favorite present? Please tell me.



在我10岁生日那天,妈妈送给我一个包装精美的礼物。 我迫不及待地撕开包装纸,里面是一本旧的硬皮笔记本,封面都有点泛黄了。“这……”我很纳闷,也有一点扫兴。爸爸却笑着说:“快翻开看看吧,里面有许多秘密呢。” 我回到卧室,翻开了那本神秘的旧本子。“儿子成长”——扉页上的六个大字首先映入我的眼帘。啊!我明白了,原来这是妈妈为我记的日记。我顿时感到很好奇,就津津有味地一页一页地读了起来。 第一篇日记的日期是一九九七年十一月二十一日,这是我出生的日子。妈妈详细记录了我出生的过程:伴随着一声强而有力的啼哭声,儿子呱呱落地,我第一个听到他的啼叫,第一个看到他小小而又红润的小脸。儿子如期而来,带给我莫大的幸福!那种美妙的感觉这辈子再难忘怀…… 第二篇日记记的是为我取名的事。由此,我知道自己名字的来历:原来爸爸妈妈都希望生个男孩,我出生让他们梦想成真,爷爷说:“要个杰字好,人杰地灵呢。”于是他们便给我起名“陈杰”。 妈妈的日记写的非常有趣,我被深深地吸引住了:我第一次笑,第一次叫妈妈,还有什么时候长第一颗牙,什么时候生病了,什么时候会走了……妈妈都一清二楚地记录在本子上。看着那一行行用爱写下的清晰文字,我不禁想,妈妈真是个心细的人啊。透过字里行间,我看到了幼儿时期的我——一个活泼可爱的小男孩。也读出了妈妈对我的.爱,了解了她为我的成长付出的一切。我拿着本子跑出房间,搂着妈妈说:“谢谢您,妈妈,给了我珍贵的礼物!” 难道这不是一件珍贵的礼物吗?



一份难忘的生日礼物。 An unforgettable birthday present. 18岁的时候,爸爸妈妈送给我一份成人礼礼物——手机。 When I was 18, my parents gave me a cell phone as a bar mitzvah gift. 他们说18岁就是成年人了。 They say you're an adult at 18. 可以有自己的交际圈,一个手机可以帮助联系。 You can have your own social circle, and a cell phone can help you connect. 而且18岁之后马上就要高考了,高考完就意味着真正的长大了。 And immediately after the age of 18 will be the college entrance examination, the college entrance examination means that the real grow up. 成年人并不可少的工具就是手机,所以这一份礼物真的很珍贵。 An adult's indispensable tool is a cell phone, so this gift is truly precious.

The unforgettable gift I have an unforgettable gift, that is my friend gives my birthday cake.Although is unable to remain the present, but that day my really good move. That is celebrates a birthday in me, I all almost have forgotten that day am my birthday, but my good friend also remembered actually, but also bought a cake to come my family specially.This is I best birthday, also is the best gift. Perhaps many people all think not worthy of mentioning, but this gift forever hides actually in my heart.


