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one little finger,tenlittle finger儿歌歌词?

发布时间:2024-05-23 13:16


tenlittle finger儿歌歌词?

Ten little fingers, all in a row Waving and clapping, let's start the show One little finger, pointing up high Two little fingers, reaching for the sky Three little fingers, tapping on the ground Four little fingers, spinning round and round Five little fingers, waving in the air Six little fingers, dancing everywhere Seven little fingers, twirling in a line Eight little fingers, making movements divine Nine little fingers, touching each other Ten little fingers, my friends and brothers Ten little fingers, so unique and small They help us write, draw and catch a ball Let's cherish each finger, one and all Ten little fingers, let's have a ball!

Ten little finger, standing in a row Counting them up, as high as they'll go One little finger pointing up so tall Two little fingers, standing straight and tall Three little fingers, waving hello Four little fingers, ready to go Five little fingers, clapping with glee Six little fingers, dancing with me Seven little fingers, reaching for the sky Eight little fingers, waving bye-bye Nine little fingers, touching the ground Ten little fingers, making funny sounds Ten little finger, we had so much fun Counting and playing, we're never done Ten little fingers, we'll do it again Because with you, my hands are the best, my friend!

Ten little fingers, so small and so fine, They wiggle and wave, they're all mine. One little finger, pointing up high, Two little fingers, reaching for the sky. Three little fingers, tapping on my knee, Four little fingers, clapping with glee. Five little fingers, dancing in the air,

one little finger儿歌歌词: One little finger, one little finger, one little finger. 一根小手指,一根小手指,一根小手指, Tap tap tap. 轻轻点一点。 Point your finger up. 手指指向上。 Point your finger down. 手指指向下。 Put it on your head. Head! 手指放在头上。头! 第二段:手指放在鼻子上(nose) 第三段:手指放在下巴上(chin) 第四段:手指放在胳膊上(arm) 第五段:手指放在腿上(leg) 第六段:手指放在脚上(foot)

one little finger到底唱的什么?

唱的是一首儿童歌曲因为one little finger这首歌非常流行于儿童群体中,其旋律简单易学,歌词也非常贴合孩子们的生活,是一首非常适合儿童学唱的歌曲。 此外,在这首歌中,孩子们可以通过跟着歌曲学习手指的名称和动作,同时也加强了他们手部协调能力的训练。

one little finger意为一根小手指,是幼儿英语启蒙歌曲。全歌大意为一根小手指,一根小手指,敲敲敲,把你的手往上指,把你的手往下指,把你的手指放在你的鼻子上


全球音乐排行榜上今年演唱发行的与onelittlefinger相类似的儿童歌曲,分别有以下这些歌曲:《竟然是分别,你要像孤零的蓬草万里飘零。 浮云飘忽不定如同你的心意,落日迟迟犹如朋友惜别深情。 忍痛挥手告别你便从此离去,马儿它不愿分离也萧萧长鸣。》

wrap around one's little finger是什么意思?

wrap around one's little finger 全部释义和例句>> 用一个小指头包好

point to 儿歌歌词?

《One little finger》歌词: One little finger, one litter finger.(依次伸出左右两个食指) One little finger,tap tap tap.(同时伸出两个食指,对敲三下) Point to the ceiling,point to the floor.(指天花板,指地板) Put it on your head.(放在脑袋上)