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发布时间:2024-06-12 13:45




《红星照耀中国》(英语演讲稿) After Watching Red Star Over China Tonight we watch the popular movie Red Star Over China ,which was based on Edgar Snow's novel of the same name .The movie tells us histories and events of China of the 1940s .At that time ,our party was faced with all kinds of challenges .Snow's novel gave us great help in public opinion .The good movie moved me .We should value the life now we have ,and we should thank Snow for his good attitude towards China.


1 音乐的重要性可以体现在很多方面。 2 音乐能够疗愈心灵,舒缓情绪,激发想象力,还可以帮助记忆知识。 3 音乐是世界上最普遍的艺术形式之一,每个人都可以从中找到自己喜欢的风格,从而让生活更加丰富多彩。

以音乐为主题的英语演讲稿音乐作为一种艺术形式,具有广泛的影响力和吸引力。 通过以音乐为主题的英语演讲稿,可以展示音乐在人们生活中的重要性,并且提供一些相关的信息和观点。 音乐是一种跨越语言和文化的艺术形式,它能够触动人们的情感,传递信息和表达思想。 在演讲稿中,可以介绍音乐的起源和发展,不同类型的音乐以及它们在不同文化中的作用。 可以提及音乐对人们的情绪和心理健康的影响,以及音乐在教育和社会领域的重要性。 此外,还可以分享一些音乐家或乐队的故事和成就,以及个人对音乐的热爱和体验。 通过这样的演讲稿,可以激发听众对音乐的兴趣,增加他们对音乐的了解和欣赏。

是的,音乐作为主题的英语演讲稿可以写出一百字。 因为音乐是一种全球通用的语言,它能够跨越国界和文化差异,触动人们的心灵。 音乐不仅能够带给我们愉悦和放松,还能够表达情感、传递信息和传达思想。 通过音乐,我们可以感受到不同文化背景下的独特魅力,增进人与人之间的理解和友谊。 此外,音乐还有助于提升个人的创造力和表达能力。 通过演奏乐器、创作歌曲或参与音乐表演,我们可以培养自己的艺术才能,并且展示自己的个性和才华。 音乐还能够激发我们的想象力,帮助我们思考和解决问题。 总之,音乐作为主题的英语演讲稿可以探讨音乐的普遍性和多样性,以及音乐对个人和社会的积极影响。 通过分享音乐的故事、经历和观点,我们可以激发听众的兴趣和共鸣,传递积极的信息和情感。

Music is a universal language that resonates with our emotions and touches our souls. It has the power to inspire, uplift, and heal. Whether it's through the soothing melodies of a lullaby or the energizing beats of a rock song, music has the ability to evoke different emotions and create a unique atmosphere. It brings people together, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers. The rhythm and harmony of music can stimulate our minds and ignite our creativity.


My favorite music is pop music. There are many kinds of music , such as country music,R&B ,rock music and so on.But I like movie music best.Because it is easy to learn,and this knid of music is often about our life,for example,A whole new


演讲稿如下: 1、cantabile sport, but there is no timeless tone.you do not know when it would play, when will it drop;sports such as tender round, but there is no change of direction, you do not know when to go, when to stay 运动如歌,但却没有永恒的调子。你不知它何时会起,何时会落;运动如嫩轮,但却没有不变的方向,你不知道它何时要走,何时要留。 2、in this down, back and forth, stop-and-go, the life will be filled with no regrets, filled with touching.your life will be sweet brilliant! 在这起起落落,反反复复,走走停停中,生命将写满无悔,写满感动。你的人生将绚丽可爱


答案:积极主动举手,用流利的英语发言。 理由(理想的英语课代表发言):①上课发言要积极,每次应积极主动配合老师发言,多与老师对话,带动课堂气氛。 ②发言的时候适当汉英结合,全是英语可能部分同学听不懂,只要发音标准就好。 (本文仅供参考)


Dear friends,I would like to extend warm welcome to you .I am glad to see all the friends come together,hope...


If I had super powers, I would clean the river, the trees would flourish again, the birds would return to the forest, and there would be many toys.

