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发布时间:2024-05-30 13:23



适合新环境的作文题目: 新环境,新气象。 适者生存 既来之,则安之。 入乡随俗。 随机应变是才智的试金石。 万物皆流变。 识时务者为俊杰。 圣人转心不转境。 适应新环境 改变自己 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 适应环境的重要性。 环境改变人 人生如水,只能去适应 环境创造人。


Good afternoon, everyone! It is my honour to stand here to give you a speech on how to adapt to the senior school life and get along with others. On stepping into the high school, we find it competitive and challenging. Faced with so much stress, we need to set goals in study and develop good learning habits such as previewing what our teachers will teach and reviewing the lessons regularly as well as taking part in after-class activities in our spare time, which will help us reduce pressure and broaden our horizons.What's more, we must show respect, concern and sympathy for others, never hesitating to lend a hand to those in need. All in all, hope all of you can enjoy school life and make something of your education.


答案:①据自身知识储备量,衡量初中生水平,写一篇初中生的英语作文。 ②可以去搜索一篇初中生英语作文模板,然后根据自己的词汇量,按模板写一篇初中生英语作文。(注:作为新时代青年,可以依据自己所学知识,教初中生如何写一篇英语作文。)


动物和植物怎样适应环境? 动物和植物都是具有勃勃的生命力。在自然地优胜劣汰中。它们都有一套完整的生存能力来适应环境。 保护色,是多么奇妙的变化。很多动物的皮毛都具有这种功能。让动物们在沙漠中,在草原中,在海洋里,在雪地里,如此等等,逃过天敌捕杀,生存繁衍。 植物的根,看似柔弱却深扎土里,给大树提供养份。还有不同植物,拥有不同的叶片,以帮助植物们在不同的环境进行光合作用,保护自己。