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发布时间:2024-06-07 13:29



Storystartedat1866,AronnaxwasFrench,heisanaturalhistorian,andhewasstudyingalargemonsterunderthesea.Atthattime,thislargemonster’smassagerwastravelingaroundtheworld.Andaftertheinvestigation,hewouldreturnfromabroad,andthenhereceivedaninvitationfromseaforcesoftheAmerica.SoheclimbedupthechaserofAmerica,tomakethelargemonsterdieout.Bythehardship,thelargemonsterwasn’tbeingdying,butAronnaxandhisservant,awhalercamethecaptiveofthelargemonster——nobodyknowit——asubmarinecalled“Nautilus” .Theystayedtherenotbad,butcaptainNemodoesn’tletthemleave,theyneedtokeepsecret.Andtenmonthslater,theyrunaway,andtelleveryonethetruth


The great wall of China but longest all in the world it is one of the greatest wonders that can be seen on the moon。


以自闭症为主题的英语作文推荐: Special robots help people with autism (自闭症). People with autism can be different. They do not need to talk with other people. They can be quiet and shy. They feel things very deeply. Sometimes people with autism do not understand how things work. They like order and clear ideas. It can be a problem in everyday situations. People with autism usually do not understand jokes or irony. Special robots help children learn what to do in these situations. Children can repeat the situations many times. It helps them in real life.

in thechildren in your life:a.Lack ofor delay inspokenlanguageb.Repetitiveuse oflanguage and/or motormannerismsc.Little orno eyecontactd.Lack ofinterest in peerrelationshipse.Lack ofspontaneousormake-believeplayf.Persistentfixation onparts of objectsAutism is the most common of the PervasiveDevelopmentalDisorders,affecting anestimated1in100births.Roughly

初中英语作文My good living habits?

