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发布时间:2024-06-03 13:25



Every person has a father , and everyone thinks that his/her father is the best father in the world , so do I. My father is of middle height . He has big eyes , the same as me . He has short hair , looking more gently . I believe my father is a talented man . He is decisive and efficient in doing things his own talents and efforts , he has secured for the family a good social position and a comparatively rich life . He usually educates me that the person must to be honest , friendly to other ,and working diligently. This is my father . I Love him forever !

Father's Day父亲节 I made breakfast for my dad on Father's Day. 我给爸爸准备早点。 I gave presnt to my dad. 我给了爸爸一份礼物。 It is a pen. 是一只钢笔。


今年是2023年,今年的父亲节在6月18号,父亲节的英语为:father´s day,父亲节是一个用来感谢父亲养育之恩的节日,父亲节一般都会送自己精心挑选的礼物送给父亲,还会送一段祝福语给父亲,表达对他的感谢,如果有条件可以选择请自己的父亲吃一顿大餐。中国台湾的父亲节是8月8号,因为“八八”和“爸爸”很像, 所以就定在8月8号,又称为“八八节”。




父亲节是向父亲们表达爱的特殊日子。过去,我常常会送给他一张手绘卡片或一束鲜花,但今年我想做些不同的事情。 我和家人一起为他准备了一顿特别的晚餐,并向他表达了感激之情。 这不仅让我更深刻地理解了父爱的伟大,也让我更加珍惜与家人共度的时光。


以下是一篇关于父亲节的英文文章,用过去式描述: Every June, the third Sunday was a special day for fathers. It was Father's Day. On that day, many people showed their love and appreciation for their fathers. Sons and daughters bought gifts, wrote letters, or took their fathers out to dinner to celebrate the day. On this day, many fathers were praised for their hard work and dedication. 父亲节是每年的六月第三个星期日,是一个特殊的日子。在这一天,许多人表达了对父亲的关爱和感激。儿子和女儿们会为父亲买礼物,写信,或者带父亲出去吃晚餐来庆祝这个节日。在这一天,许多父亲因他们的辛勤工作和奉献精神而受到赞扬。

好的,以下是一篇关于父亲节的英文文章(过去式): Father's Day was always a special day for me. I would wake up early to make breakfast for my dad, who was always the hardest worker I knew. He would go to work in the morning and come home tired and dirty, but he would always find time to play with me and teach me about life. I will always remember the lessons he taught me and the love he showed me. Happy Father's Day!


父亲节是每年六月的第三个星期天,它的英文是Father's Day。在父亲节这个特殊的日子里,我们要感谢父亲的辛勤付出和无私奉献。父亲总是默默无闻地为我们付出,他们用宽厚的肩膀支撑着我们成长的天空。在这个特殊的日子里,让我们向父亲们表达感激之情,感谢他们给予我们无私的爱和关怀。


父亲节是每年六月的第三个星期天,英文是Fathers' Day。在父亲节这天,人们通常会送礼物给父亲,以表达对他们的感激和爱意。

my fatherI think my father is a kind man,he love help people,and always forget to do something for himself.He has a good sence of humor,yes,I like that.That always make us happy.I think he is a friend.